Hair Loss News


Hair Loss News Archives

October 2005

Hair and how

October  2005

Times News Network

It's not your face or your figure. It's hair that's on top right now

Tight curls, bodacious volume or silky straight? Take your pick for the day. Hair now defines our lifestyle, our personality and even our mood.

It is so important today that skin products have dropped to second place and makeup has slipped even lower. Everything revolves on how the hair looks at any point in time.

Untangling the mystery

There was a time when good hair was basically genetic. Either you were born with it or you lived with what you had. As long as it stayed off your face and looked reasonably presentable, it was enough.

But with hair taking centrestage now, the attitude has changed says hair expert Jawed Habib, "With fashion becoming global, everyone knows what's happening across the world.