Hair Loss News


Hair Loss News Archives

February 2002

Experts Further Search for Answers

It has been estimated that out of the 50-70 million people who suffer from hair loss in the United States, only three percent seek some form of treatment.

The public is flooded with products and services that claim to be the answer to those looking to restore their hair. World-renowned expert doctors and researchers will convene March 6 - 9, in Orlando, Florida, to participate in an intense, comprehensive hair loss meeting, during which they will conduct 21 live surgeries, initiate new research, share new techniques and demonstrate new instrumentation.

While the ultimate cure for baldness or thinning hair is elusive, this gathering of the authorities in the field seeks to improve the current treatments and search for more options.

Current surgical techniques that have made great strides in the past few years will undergo close scrutiny as these doctors investigate results and methods to improve them. A variety of methods and instrumentation will be demonstrated during the event.

Medicinal treatments, including Propecia and Rogaine, and causes of hair loss, such as Androgenetic Alopecia and Traumatic Alopecia as they affect men and women, will be thoroughly covered.

Special attention will be devoted this year to hair loss in women. This coverage will include causes, psychosocial effects, hair transplantation and the use of minoxidil by women, in addition to a live surgical demonstration.

The Live Surgery Workshop increased significance comes from its open forum and research.

Research projects to be initiated at the event include an investigation of hair diameter, density and direction of hair follicles, graft placement and hair characteristics after transplantation. Studies on angulation, survival, size of hair graft tissue and follicular regeneration will be updated.

There will be a concentration on hair considerations in different ethnic groups including African American, Asian and Spanish patients.

The live surgical demonstrations, including eyebrow transplantation, will feature a variety of patient concerns and hair loss conditions.

To meet the needs of physicians and medical staff new to the field, the event includes a mentor program and a special nurses surgical program for medical staff. The unique setting allows less experienced surgeons to view the field's best first-hand in surgery.

In association with the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, currently lead by President Dr. Bobby Limmer, the Workshop has taken a lead role in the evolution of hair restoration.

Chaired by event founder, Dr. Matt Leavitt, and co-chaired by Dr. David Perez-Meza, the Live Surgery Workshop pushes the field of medical hair restoration by improving every area in hair loss treatment by promoting a free exchange of knowledge and clinical training with the field's leading experts.

For comprehensive information, please visit the Live Surgery Workshop web site at